Mittwoch, 7. September 2011

trends| my autumn to-have-list

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all pictures taken by me or via weheartit

i am ready - come on in now, autumn.
i've had it with that mishmash weather that cannot decide if it wants to be a hurricane or a desert sunshine. so, bring on that fall wardrobe!

1. leather pants. crucial. zara, you're going to be mine. enough said.
2 & 3. call it ikat, call it navajo, call it aztek - i do not mind as long as it's gonna keep me warm and comfy.
4 & 5. glitter. metallic shades. do i really need to say more? by the way, dear xl-sequins, can we please get married right away?
6 & 7. some fake fur never hurts (literally)
8. well, chunky jewellery (especially rings) do not necessarily belong to the fall season, however, i wouldn't want to miss them when it gets cold.
9. leather boots, you are hopefully going to keep me warm and tough throughout the very early mornings and the very late nights when i won't get to go home in the sunshine anymore.

okay, maybe i should stop thinking about this because now i am craving it all.

what is it that must not be missed in your wardrobe come fall?

so long,

ps: sorry for the lack of very own pictures, there is just one word: work. or maybe two: work and subsequent laziness.
pps: see, after talking a lot about it, i finally did it - i switched to english. love it?

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7 Kommentare:

  1. Bis auf den Kuschelfellkram nehme ich das auch, alles. Dieser Paillettenpullover ist der Wahnsinn. :)

  2. ich bauche die schuhe und den schmuck!!

  3. Biker-Boots stehen bei mir gaaaaaanz weit oben auf der "Must-have"-Liste! Und Dein Exemplar ist besonders schön :)

    P.s.: Ich lese Deinen Blog lieber auf Deutsch :)

  4. Über die eine Bloggergruppe von FB kam ich hierher, und ehrlich, wenn das kein schöner Blog ist, dann weiß ich auch nicht :)

  5. also für den preist und echtleder, sollte man sich es nicht engehen lassen! hast du dir die bestellt? also die boots?

  6. ich würde alles nehmen :)
    hast eine neue leserin


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